Check out the March Newsletter from our School Resource Officer, Rodney Noga!
5 months ago, Victoria Lopez
The Rabbit The School Resource Officer Newsletter North Conejos, Sanford, and South Conejos Schools Sgt. R.L. Noga, SRO Message Corner Once again, I hope this month’s newsletter finds you all well. March arrived in a hurry and so did the wind! It “blows” me away how fast this school year has gone by so far. The past couple weeks were filled with regional and district basketball tournaments in hopes of making it to the state tournament. At times there were well over a thousand people in the gym at Centauri. During these types of games, the competition is fierce, and emotions can run high. This is true for not only the players but also the fans. I am all about competition and leaving it all on the field, court, or course. But one important thing is sportsmanship. It is defined as fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sports contest. One fan I spoke to said, “Let the players play, referees ref, and coaches coach. And we just come to cheer on our boys.” That is so true. Respect each other at the end regardless of the outcome. My father always told me on the golf course that you always take off your hat and shake your opponent’s hand at the end of the match, win or lose. Shout Outs and Great Things Kids Are Doing • SCSD Students of the month: Nathaniel Ortiz (respectful listener); Loretta Shaffer-George (motivated visionary); Antonio Velasquez (confident critical thinker); and Luz Elena Para Ramirez (epitomizes excellence). GREAT KIDS DOING GOOD THINGS! KEEP IT UP!!! • Beautiful handmade pottery being made at Centauri High School • Sanford’s positive anti-drug messages Congratulations!!!!! Brexton Crowther and Kaulen Miller were drawn this month for telling me the two Disney characters I had in my newsletter last month: Mickey Mouse and Snow White. They both got a $10 gift card to Subway from me. Thanks for reading my newsletter kids!! Look at the quote corner for the next contest and tell me the answer to get your name in the drawing.
Dangerous trend I want to share some information about something that is being sold across the country and has had dangerous consequences. New things always pop up in gas stations and head shops that are legal to sell but dangerous to use. K2 Spice and bath salts are two examples of those; both have become illegal in recent years. There is another substance I want to shed light on. It is referred to as “gas station heroin” and being sold as a dietary supplement for pain relief, depression, or anxiety. In this product, there is an antidepressant called Tianeptine. This drug is not approved for use in the United States but is used in some European, Asian, and Latin American countries to treat major depression and irritable bowel syndrome. Nine states in the U.S. have already banned the substance. In New Jersey, out of the 17 adults who had severe reactions, 13 were put into ICU. According to a CDC report, it is linked to seizures, brain swelling and hallucinations. This substance is highly addictive and can cause coma, extremely high blood pressure, agitation, confusion, and respiratory depression. Product samples were tested; scientists found they also contained synthetic cannabinoids. It is sold and referred to as Neptune’s Fix, Neptune’s Elixir, Pegasus, Red Dawn, ZaZa Red, and Tianaa. My Final Thoughts As I sit here and wonder what I am going to say as my final thoughts, I looked up at the Colorado Avalanche game that is on and am, as always, amazed at the intensity of the players. I see that in our student athletes as they compete when playing and now at the state basketball tournament. Sanford just beat Merino to advance to the finals to play Limon. Even though both Centauri teams fell to Yuma in the first round, they played with heart and pride of being a Centauri Falcon. Something that they should be proud of. Getting to that level of competition is an achievement that many high school student athletes will never experience. Relish in the success of making it there, and never let anyone take that away. As I read the Trojan Update Newsletter from South Conejos Schools for March, Josh Lopez wrote something in his superintendent’s update that is so true. One morning when he was tired, had a lot of homework, and did not want to go to the gym, his boss shared a quote with him from Woody Allen who said, “Ninety percent of success in life is just showing up.” He also went on to tell him that “[e]ven if you aren’t motivated to show up, that’s okay; the motivation will come later.” Success will come even from defeat. Continue to show up, even if you don’t feel like it. Some days you may be more motivated than others. That’s okay. The motivation may be hidden in those days that you do not feel like going, but showing up may be all the motivation you need to do what you need to do to succeed. Quote Corner “In your own life, it’s important to know how spectacular you are.” ~ Steve Marabol Thanks for taking the time to read my newsletter. If you see me, tell me the answer: What word did I define in this month’s newsletter? Everyone can play!!
Families of athletes in grades 6th through 12th are invited to today's Booster Club meeting in Mr. Lehman's room at 5:30 p.m. We will discuss fundraising and sending student-athletes to camp. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this meeting will not be offered virtually.
5 months ago, Abigail Rendon
Congratulations to our Trojan boys basketball all-conference selections!
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Boys basketball all conference
Congratulations to our Lady Trojan all-conference basketball selections!
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Girls All Conference Selections
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Regular Board Meeting on the 12th day of March 2024, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area.
5 months ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Regular Meeting March 12, 2024 South Conejos School Secondary Flex Area 6:00 PM    Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported.  A.	Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum/Read Mission Statement B.	Pledge of Allegiance C.	Citizen’s Comments – Limit 3 Minutes Per Person D.	Approval of Agenda E.	Approval of Consent Agenda 1.	Approval of Minutes – February 20, 2024  2.	Reports  a.	Financial Report – Jamie Sandoval b.	Cafeteria Report – Alysha Trujillo c.	Technology Report – Weldon Colbert d.	Maintenance Report – Nichole Archuleta e.	Transportation Report – Eric O’Brien f.	AD Report – Blane Trant  F.	Reports 1.	Building Update – Guillermo DeHererra 2.	NY Trip Debrief – HS Redesign Team 3.	Principal Report – Mrs. Maddie Mansheim 4.	Superintendent Report – Mr. Joshua G. Lopez  G.	Discussion and Action Items 1. Transportation a.	Mini Bus  2. Staffing a.	Renewals b.	New Hires c.	Resignations
3. Policies  a.	BEDA – Notification of School Board Meetings – 2nd Reading  b.	BEDD – Rules of Order – 2nd Reading  c.	BEDH – Public Participation At School Board Meetings – 2nd Reading   d.	BG – School Board Policy Process – 2nd Reading  e.	BG-R – Policy Adoption Regulations – 2nd Reading   f.	BGA – Policy Implementation – 2nd Reading  g.	JLCD – Administering Medication to Students – 1st Reading  h.	CBI – Evaluation of Superintendent – 1st Reading  i.	CBI-R – Evaluation of Superintendent Regulations – 1st Reading  j.	CCA - Organization Chart – 1st Reading  k.	GCE/GCF – Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring – Introduction  l.	GCE/GCF-R – Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring Regs. – Introduction  m.	GBA – Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity – Introduction  n.	JLDAC – Screening/Testing of Students – Introduction  o.	JLDAC-E – Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment - Introduction  4. Purchase Orders  5. Budget a.	Bonus b.	24/25 Salary Schedules  6. Work Sessions  7. Board Member Resignation a.	Resolultion  8. Vice President Nominations
9. Board Retreat  H.	Executive Session No Executive Session   I.	Next Board Meeting April 16, 2024 Discussion Items: Classified Staff  J.	Adjournment
The baseball game today (3/8/24) vs Sargent has been cancelled due to weather.
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Happy 101st Day of School!
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
The kindergarten class pose as Dalmatians for 101 days of school!
Pick up your March Newsletter today and give a big shoutout to our students of the month! Nathaniel Ortiz is a Respectful Listener. His music teacher says he is always ready to participate in class and makes sure all his crew mates’ voices are heard. Loretta Shaffer-George is a Motivated Visionary. Loretta puts 100% into all of her work and recently showcased her science fair project with her partner at science fair on LED Lights and the impact it has on cactus. She also motivates herself outside of the classroom and takes on additional hobbies at teaches herself new skills. Antonio Velasquez is a Confident Critical Thinker. He has led several of the elementary classrooms in instruction on local history and trains. Antonio recently led our 4th & 5th graders on a field trip to the Fort Garland Museum where he challenged students to think about the history around them. Luz Elena Para Ramirez epitomizes excellence as a senior basketball captain, displaying strong leadership qualities both on and off the court. Her unwavering dedication, coupled with her ability to inspire and motivate her teammates, distinguishes her as a standout leader. Additionally, her versatility extends beyond basketball, as she showcases her skills and determination as a formidable player in volleyball.
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
Trojan update SCSD Students of the month March 6th: Creede Mining Museum - 6th & 7th Grade  March 8th: MS Wrestling @Sierra Grande  HS Baseball vs. Sargent  March 9th: MS Wrestling @La Veta  March 11th: Fish Hatchery & Crane Festival - 8th Grade  March 13th: Teen Truth Summit Middle School & High School  March 15th: MS Wrestling @Centauri  First day of Spring Break March Events newsletter March 5 Nathaniel Ortiz is a Respectful Listener. His music teacher says he is always ready to participate in class and makes sure all his crew mates’ voices are heard.       Loretta Shaffer-George is a Motivated Visionary. Loretta puts 100% into all of her work and recently showcased her science fair project with her partner at science fair on LED Lights and the impact it has on cactus. She also motivates herself outside of the classroom and takes on additional hobbies at teaches herself new skills.   Antonio Velasquez is a Confident Critical Thinker. He has led several of the elementary classrooms in instruction on local history and trains. Antonio recently led our 4th & 5th graders on a field trip to the Fort Garland Museum where he challenged students to think about the history around them. Athlete of the month Luz Elena Para Ramirez epitomizes excellence as a senior basketball captain, displaying strong leadership qualities both on and off the court. Her unwavering dedication, coupled with her ability to inspire and motivate her teammates, distinguishes her as a standout leader.  Additionally, her versatility extends beyond basketball, as she showcases her skills and determination as a formidable player in volleyball. March 15th: Bayfield Track Meet March 16th: MS Regionals @ASU Elementary & Middle Destination Imagination Regionals Competition  March 18th: HS Baseball vs. Questa March 22th: MS Wrestling State HS Baseball vs. Sargent  March 27th-28th: 8th Grade Visit to Fort Lewis  March 29th: HS Baseball @ Dolores Huerta Prep Sangre de Cristo Track Meet
February recap 5th Graders perform their skit from Esperanza Rising for the elementary students. Antonio Velasquez gives a presentation and lecture to 3rd graders. PK-12 students celebrated our winter athletes with a pep rally that showcased our Rainbow Spice and AHS Cheerleaders, some friendly staff vs. student wrestling matches, and class competitions. Our booster club needs members!  Join us March 11th at 5:30 We need more members for SCSD Booster Club to help to continue to support our students!   How Booster Club has helped our students:  Send middle school and high school athletes to summer camps Helped purchase student athlete banners to display  Purchase T-Shirts & Swag for athletes   How You Can Help:  Make & sell popcorn on Thursdays from 2:00-4:00  Sell Trojan Athlete Buttons at Sporting Events  Lead Fundraising Projects  Fiscal Donations Become a Sponsor  Meetings are on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:30.   Unable to join the meeting? But still want to help out? Use this QR code so that we can get in touch with you!
March newsletter Guadalupe Elementary Congreso de Acequias poster contest winners: Congrats to our students who competed agains other regional schools for this competition!   Kynsley Cordova - 1st Place  Kalises Cuellar - 2nd Place  Santana Salas - 3rd Place   Bailee Bradley - 1st Place  Celestino Archuleta - 3rd Place   Delilah Cuellar - 2nd Place Superintendent’s Update: Chronic absence takes a significant toll on the academic success and well-being of students. When students are chronically absent, they not only miss out on valuable classroom instruction, but also opportunities to forge relationships with peers and school staff and gain access to resources available at school.  Story time. Sometimes just showing up is half the battle. This makes me think of a conversation I had with a great American. He was my supervisor, and I had just arrived to work. This one morning, I was exhausted. I had a lot of homework the night before, so I was up late. I was telling him how tired I was and that I really didn't want to go to the gym that morning, but I did anyway. He then shared this quote with me from Woody Allen: "Ninety percent of success in life is just showing up." He also said, "Even if you aren't motivated to show up, it's okay; the motivation will come later." This very simple conversation has stayed with me for 25 years. The moral of the story is to show up, and you may surprise yourself. I do want to thank Alamosa High School for taking me back through memory lane as they have Woody Allen's quote on their marquee. Let's go Trojan Crew, you got this! Trojans...All In, All the Time!  - Joshua Lopez / Superintendent, South Conejos School District RE-10
Field Experiences Antonito Middle School science Fair Antonito middle schoolers recently showcased their scientific prowess from Ms. Mestas’ class at the prestigious science fair hosted at Adams State University. With a diverse array of topics ranging from plant science to the intriguing effects of music on heart rate, these young scientists captivated audiences and judges alike with their innovative projects. The fair not only provided a platform for students to demonstrate their scientific acumen but also fostered collaboration and intellectual exchange among budding researchers from different schools and backgrounds.  For Antonito middle schoolers, the science fair at Adams State University served as a transformative experience, igniting their passion for exploration and discovery. Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, students explored the intricacies of biological systems and the impact of external stimuli on human physiology. Their participation not only exemplifies the importance of hands-on science education but also underscores the vital role of institutions like Adams State University in nurturing the next generation of scientific leaders and innovators. High School Redesign - NYC Visit A group of 9 high school students were nominated and applied  to serve on our High School Redesign team led by Mrs. Mansheim which will focus on recreating the high school courses to challenge students and better prepare them for post-secondary success. As part of the team, students got to visit bright spot Expeditionary Learning schools in NYC and gather ideas of what they want to bring back to Antonito. Students also got to visit Central Park and Times Square.  Students decided they wanted to bring back more engagement and hands-on learning projects to the high school level, create new crew lessons, add more mixed classrooms, and expand field experiences that connect to their learning in the classroom.
Trojan Nation, Attached is information for the 2024 75th San Luis Valley Regional Science Fair. Times that the exhibits are open to the public are highlighted. All of our middle school students will be participating. Please come on out to Adams State University Plachy Hall Field House during public viewing to show your support for our middle school students. Parents and guardians, on Friday, March 1st, please have your student at Plachy Hall Field House by 8:50 am for interviews. Thank you. #GOTROJANS
5 months ago, Joshua Lopez
75th San Luis Valley Regional Science Fair 2024 Guide
75th San Luis Valley Regional Science Fair 2024 Contributors
This Week in Trojan Athletics (2/26/24)
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Weekly Update
Good evening Trojan Families. This message is for our Head Start and Pre-School families only. Due to water issues at our Conejos building, school will not be in session tomorrow, Monday, February 26, 2024. School will be back in session on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Thank you, and have a good evening.
5 months ago, Joshua Lopez
Free Love and Logic Training for Staff and Parents. Seats are limited to 10 people. Click link to register. March 25th, April 1st, April 8th, April 15th, April 22nd & April 29th. The training is for a total of 6 weeks. Certificate and stipend are available upon completion of the training.
5 months ago, Zyra Guyon
Love and Logic
This Week in Trojan Athletics (2/20/24)
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Weekly Update
The HS Boys/Girls games today (2/17) vs Hanover have been cancelled due to weather. There will be a Navy vs White game between the upperclassmen and underclassmen at 1:00! There will not be a gate charge today, come out and support Trojan basketball as we honor seniors and parents!
5 months ago, Blane Trant
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Regular Board Meeting on the 20th day of February 2024, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area.
5 months ago, Victoria Lopez
Good Evening Trojan Families, This is a reminder that we will have this Monday the 19th off to observe Presidents' Day. We want to wish everyone a wonderful long weekend!
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
This Week in Trojan Athletics (2/13/24)
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Weekly Update
6 months ago, Annika Sisneros
Support the senior class and buy a Valigram! Comment "message me" and a senior student will reach out to you on messenger.
6 months ago, Abigail Rendon
The Boys/Girls HS Basketball games vs Primero have been rescheduled for Tuesday 2/13 @ 4:30 in Antonito.
6 months ago, Blane Trant