Urgent! If you have not yet completed this school year's Family Economic Survey it is not too late. Please complete one form per family regardless of income. Download the form here: https://www.southconejos.com/documents to print and send it back to school with your student. Thanks in advance!
almost 3 years ago, Abigail Rendon
Family Economic Survey
🏐MSVB Update: 🏐MSVB B-team time change. MSVB Tuesday, Oct. 12, B-team will be playing away vs. Ortega Middle School, 4:00pm.
almost 3 years ago, Joshua Lopez
Trojan Athletic Events update for 🏐MSVB 🏐MSVB Tuesday, Oct. 12, A-team will be playing at home vs. Sierra Grande, 4:30pm. If A-team wins, there next game will be Friday, Oct. 15 at Centauri HS, 3:00pm. If A-team loses, there next game will be Friday, Oct. 15 at Centauri HS, 11:00am. 🏐MSVB Tuesday, Oct. 12, B-team will be playing away vs. Ortega Middle School, 4:30pm. If B-team wins, there next game will be Friday, Oct. 15 at Centauri HS, 1:00pm. If B-team loses, there next game will be Friday, Oct. 15 at Centauri HS, 9:00am. GO TROJANS!
almost 3 years ago, Joshua Lopez
🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏐 Trojan Athletic Events for 11-16 October 🏐MSVB End of Season Tournament, Tuesday, Oct. 12 vs. TBD. Time and place TBD. Information will be updated as soon as it is known. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️MS and HSXC Friday, Oct. 15, Eric Wolff Invitational (SPL Championship). Held at the Monte Vista Golf Course. Schedule: 9am MS Girls 9:30am MS Boys 10am HS Girls 10:30am HS Boys 🏐MSVB End of Season Tournament, Friday, Oct. 15 vs. TBD. Held at Centauri MS. Time TBD. Information will be updated as soon as it is known. 🏐HSVB JV Friday, Oct. 15 @Sangre de Cristo, 4:30pm. Varsity immediately after JV. 🏐MSVB End of Season Tournament, Saturday, Oct. 16 vs. TBD. Held at Centauri MS. Time TBD. Information will be updated as soon as it is known. 🏐HSVB Varsity Saturday, Oct. 16 @Creede, 11am.
almost 3 years ago, Joshua Lopez
Today there was an incident involving police in town limits. Administration was in communication with law enforcement and there was no threat present at the school.
almost 3 years ago, South Conejos
Good Evening Trojan Families, This is a reminder that tomorrow is Parent Teacher Conferences from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm. Conferences are in-person, but for families who would like to request Zoom or phone conferences, please contact your teacher directly. All parents will be asked to wear a mask while in the building. Families can download our app or visit our website for a complete calendar of events for the year.
almost 3 years ago, Maddie Mansheim
Homecoming Dance Deets: The homecoming dance is from 8:00-11:00 pm tonight. Homecoming Royalty please come dressed in formal wear with crowns and sashes. We will take pictures of homecoming royalty at 8:15 pm. The dress code is semi-formal and masks are required. The door to the secondary flex will be the only door that will be open. Proceeds from the dance will go toward Student Council. Singles tix are $3 and couples tix are $5.
almost 3 years ago, Abigail Rendon
The South Conejos School Board of Education will be conducting a Regular Board Meeting on the 21st day of September 2021 at 6 PM. This meeting will be conducted in-person and open to the public via videoconferencing and teleconferencing through zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83984029808. Members of the public shall be allowed to submit requests to address the Board in the same manner that they were allowed at physical meetings of the Board. In order to expedite these requests, those requests may be emailed to the superintendent or Board president at vlopez@southconejos.com. The final determination as to whether an item will appear on the board agenda will be at the discretion of the superintendent and Board president.
about 3 years ago, Victoria Lopez
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Students, Let's show our Trojan Pride by dressing up for spirit week and coming out to support our student athletes at this week's athletic competitions.
about 3 years ago, Abigail Rendon
Spirit Days
Homecoming Athletic Competitions
As the cold and flu season begins and as Covid-19 cases increase in our community, we want to remind parent(s)/guardian(s) how important it is to keep your child at home when they are not feeling well. Please refer to the document on "How Sick is Too Sick" on the District's Website. Thank you
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Kreps
The South Conejos School District is accepting bids for the following items: 3 sets of metal bleachers. The 3 sets of bleachers are made of pipe steel and wood. These items are located at the old fairgrounds, just north of the school. Please call Fred @ 719-580-8907 prior to viewing. The South Conejos School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive informalities and, or irregularities in bidding procedure and to accept that bid which is considered to be in the best interest of the District. Any such decision shall be considered final. Please place bids to fred@southconejos.com no later than Friday, October 8th. Please include, Name, address, Phone number, and bidding amount.
about 3 years ago, South Conejos
South Conejos School District is seeking parents, community members, and business owners to serve on the District Advisory Committee. The committee will meet once a month in the evenings. Those who are interested please email Ms. Mansheim at mmansheim@southconejos.com.
about 3 years ago, Maddie Mansheim
Trojan Families, Meet your new sidekick. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows families to monitor student's grades, attendance, and upcoming or missing assignments. If you don't currently have acces to the parent portal or if you need your password reset, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/HQLjzPLyubJuD7dz9. We are happy to help and as always have a great Trojan day!
about 3 years ago, Abigail Rendon
IC App
The South Conejos School Board of Education will be conducting a Regular Board Meeting on the 1st day of September 2021 at 6 PM. This meeting will be conducted Virtually and open to the public via videoconferencing and teleconferencing through zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83984029808. Members of the public shall be allowed to submit requests to address the Board in the same manner that they were allowed at physical meetings of the Board. In order to expedite these requests, those requests may be emailed to the superintendent or Board president at vlopez@southconejos.com. The final determination as to whether an item will appear on the board agenda will be at the discretion of the superintendent and Board president.
about 3 years ago, Victoria Lopez
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Good Afternoon Trojan Families, After completing contact tracing this morning and further testing we have the following guidelines for families: Students in grades 7 through 12 who are fully vaccinated and not showing symptoms will be able to return to in-person learning on September 1st, unless you have been directly contacted by the school district to quarantine. Students in grades 7 through 12 who either have had one dose of the vaccine or are receiving their second dose today and are not showing symptoms will be able to return to in-person learning on September 7th unless you have been directly contacted by the school to quarantine. Students in grades 7 through 12 who are not vaccinated will be able to return to in-person learning on September 13th if they are not showing symptoms. All middle school students should quarantine and high school students who have had exposure will be contacted by the district if they need to quarantine. Students in grades K-6 will be able to return to in-person learning on September 13th. Students had exposure and we are advising families to quarantine and monitor for symptoms. Thank you families for allowing us time to sanitize the building and complete accurate contract tracing. We are still offering rapid testing for students who are experiencing symptoms or had exposure. Please visit our website under Live Feed or go to our app to find a copy of this message.
about 3 years ago, Maddie Mansheim
Families who would like meal pick up please fill out this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6PcJ_Zl6O7odime3Ve9GA2trl_aM0Muhcdo5G5CHCO3MAXw/viewform?usp=sf_link Meals can be picked up tomorrow at the same time as computers and books. Please keep watching our Facebook page or website on when students will be able to return to in-person learning.
about 3 years ago, Maddie Mansheim
Trojan Families,  After consulting with public health we have made the determination that at this point in time we will be moving K-12 to remote learning due to high rates of the Delta variant in the community and positive COVID-19 cases within the district. While this is a decision we did not want to make this early on in the school year, it is necessary to prevent further spread and keep our students safe.  We are encouraging families of any students who are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 to either get tested at a local clinic, public health, or to contact the school to arrange a rapid test. Most of the positive cases we have seen at the school have either had mild symptoms or been a-symptomatic. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated have tested positive as well.  Starting Tuesday, teachers will contact families to arrange laptop pick-ups. Zoom classes will start Wednesday.  Preschool has had no exposure at this point and will remain in session.  We thank you all for doing your part in keeping our community safe.
about 3 years ago, Maddie Mansheim
On Monday August 30th the Covid clinic will return to give 2nd doses of the vaccine. Please keep the appointment time that was made for you at the first clinic. If you are interested in receiving a first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, please stop by. The clinic will take place at the South Conejos School District's conference room from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Please wear a mask and check your temperature upon entering the building. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Kreps
Announcement: Staff will be available Friday, August 27, 2021, 8am-4pm for school board candidates turning in petition packets.
about 3 years ago, Victoria Lopez
Good Evening Trojan Families, Please remember the school district is requiring all students and staff to wear a mask when in the building. We need parents to send a reusable mask with their student(s) daily. Also if you are planning to visit the school, please remember to check your temperature before you enter and wear you mask while in the building. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Kreps